samarbeid is an open source project from 🇪🇺 🇩🇪 Leipzig that started in 2018 🎂. We have big 🏁 ambitions: to make it as easy as possible for organisations with low digital literacy 🧓👩🏼👨 to digitize💻 their own workflows.

Our inspiration

We are often asked what the name samarbeid is all about. The answer is simple and easy to remember:

samarbeid is Norwegian
for collaboration

See how the norwegian Wikipedia defines samarbeid:

Samarbeid er å jobbe sammen med andre for å oppnå felles mål. Det er en rekursiv prosess som omfatter to eller flere personer eller organisasjoner. De fleste typer samarbeid er avhengig av lederskap, et ansvar som kan
innehas enten av én person eller av ei desentralisert gruppe. Lag som samarbeider, kan vanligvis oppnå større fordeler og gevinster i konkurranse om begrensa ressurser.

Samarbeid is working together with others to achieve common goals. It is a process involving two or more people or organisations. Most types of collaboration rely on leadership, a responsibility that can be either by one person or by a decentralised group. Teams that work together can usually achieve greater benefits and gains in competition for limited resources.

What does samarbeid offer your team?

Samarbeid is a powerful but intuitive and easy-to-use platform for collaboration in small and medium-sized organisations. Samarbeid is three in one 🛠️: it is for flexible task and process management, for task-oriented communication in the team and the team’s integrated data and knowledge base. Samarbeid empowers teams with little or no IT skills 🧓👩🏼👨 to manage all processes and data in one place. Samarbeid is designed as a learning system for learning organisations.

  • Manage all your tasks ✅ in light-weight but structured and flexible processes.
  • Communicate with the team 💬 directly in the context of your tasks and processes.
  • Add flexibly fields for structured data into all tasks. Use process templates to re-use best practices in your teams.
  • Retain full flexibility by changing and enhance each process individually when necessary.
  • Get 360° views on the core concepts of your organisation (like each contract, customer or supplier) with dossiers.
  • Simply 📎 add PDFs and other documents to your tasks and processes – to store and find them in their relevant context.
  • All data added to samarbeid is indexed by the full text search 🔍.
  • Manage the visibility of processes and data at the level of groups.
  • Export all data from your tasks and process for analyses and re-use in spreadsheet software.
  • Integrate your samarbeid due calendar 📅📆 into your personal calendar apps.
  • With time tracking ⏲️ you have an overview of the time sheets for all tasks.

The history of samarbeid

The samarbeid story has only just begun. For organisations that use samarbeid for self-determined digitisation, it quickly becomes an important digital infrastructure. We know how important it is for samarbeid to be available and developed over the long term. With our clear open source strategy, we have the foundation for long-term availability and reliability.

2007 – In his PhD, Lutz outlines the basic idea behind samarbeid. The idea is to describe the process and the captured data in a unit in decentrally executable process descriptions. The results of executed processes are stored in graphs so that they can later be integrated into knowledge bases.

bis 2011 – Part of today’s samarbeid team is working together scientifically on this technology, but without direct application for everyday life in the organisation.

2018 🎂 – The vision can become reality. As part of the Nucleus Jena project, development on samarbeid can start in a sub-project.

2020 – The first alpha version of samarbeid is tested with pilot users. We are learning bit by bit what is important when using samarbeid in smaller organisations.

2021 – Samarbeid is now used by some organisations in their daily work. Samarbeid becomes open source and the development process is opened. Our website is launched.

2022 – The first issue of the samarbeid news is sent out. We launch the „Samarbeid for Your Team“ programme to enable more organisations to access samarbeid. Samarbeid is now also active on social media.

2023 – We are switching our development process to English as international interest in samarbeid increases. We are relaunching our website to make it easier to get started with samarbeid with tutorials and extensive documentation.

Who is behind samarbeid?

First things first: samarbeid is and remains open source. You can rely on the fact that you can always use samarbeid in your organisation without restriction. Because your self-determination over your data and processes is our 🏁 goal.

Samarbeid is an open project. Anyone can use samarbeid and contribute to samarbeid. The samarbeid core team is responsible for governance.

Samarbeid is used by different organisations and in different projects. Feedback, manpower and source code from these projects flow into the further development of samarbeid. The project lives from these contributions. In addition, there is support, for example, for the hosting of our programme „samarbeid for your team“.

We are constantly developing samarbeid’s governance structure to ensure its long-term availability and reliability.

Become part of samarbeid

As an open and community-oriented project, samarbeid thrives on the support of the entire community. We are happy about your support. This can be …

… you subscribe the samarbeid Neuigkeiten
… you share posts from our social media channels
… you inspire friends and acquaintances for samarbeid 🔥
… you start in your organisation with „samarbeid for your team“
… you post feedback when you use samarbeid
… your report bugs 🪲 if you notice a mistake
… you describe on the website how you use samarbeid in the team.
… you use samarbeid for new projects you start
… you invite samarbeid to events that you organise

… and maybe you can think of another possibility of support that we haven’t even thought of yet.

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Samarbeid for your team